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Vacuum cooling for bakery produce

The magazine "Zero Sotto Zero (Technologies and trends from the world of refrigeration)" interviewed us with the aim of investigating the extraordinary advantages of vacuum cooling technology for bakery products. The article is also available online, on page 12 of the magazine's web newsstand (access via link below). The vacuum cooling technology is among the most interesting in the world of refrigeration and is applicable to products such as vegetables, flowers, compost for mushrooms, rice for sushi and precisely baked products. In the latter case, the advantages show, compared to conventional cooling, longer shelf life, improvement in structure and crispness, reduced cooking times as part of the cooking process takes place during vacuum cooling, increase in production capacity thanks to the reduced times. Link to the article, pag. 12: https://pixelbook.tecnichenuove.com/newsstand/zerosottozero/viewer/guest/com.tecnichenuove.zerosottozero.zz.2019.006/ .