Swimming pools are places where relaxation should be the only concern. Yet, swimmers are the greatest cause of contamination, each carrying a load of micro-organisms, some of which are pathogens. The amount, type and frequency of swimmers make this contamination very variable.
Some pollutants are not soluble, such as hair, skin and soap residues. Other pollutants, such as sweat and eye fluids do not harm people when dissolved in water. However they contain ammonia, ureum, and amino acids which react to chlorine and create cloramine, leading to eye irritation and respiratory problems, in addition to create that... distinctive smell.
Ozone and oxidation is an important link in the overall pool maintenance process, a compliment to filtration, disinfection and refreshment. It is applied as a supplementary measure for pool water treatment; it allows for faster biodegradation of natural organic matter, facilitating subsequent filtration. It is used in full force for filtration purposes for increased oxygen concentration. Chlorine use can be reduced when used with ozonated water.
An ozone system is not as cheap as using chlorine. But significant savings come long term: lower chlorine use, improved filtering and coagulant capacities, less water refreshment. Not-so-visible but very tangible benefits for user health include: no skin residue or irritation, less risk of respiratory problems and the fact that some pathogens are chlorine resistant, but not ozone resistant.
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